Direct Marketing Results ...
"I wish we had met you one month earlier, it would have saved us $41,329! Why? Because right before we met you, we did a mailing that cost us $79,000.
It was very profitable, but when we analyzed our results according to your approach, we discovered that two thirds of the list barely broke even (and some segments lost money), whereas the remaining one third of the list was exceptionally profitable.
Had we known this before we did the mailing, we could have saved the $41,329 and achieved the same results at less than half the cost. Based on these results, well never mail again without using Response Doubler."
– Audri G. Lanford, Ph.D., CEO, NETrageous Inc.
"After using ResponseDoubler, I analyzed my lists just as you said. It was so obvious where my customers, from both my high end and lower end products were coming from. It was obvious why mass mailing to my list wasnt working!
We had a new product that I wanted to test. I used my ResponseDoubler results and only mailed the best segments, which were about 20% of my list. From 311 pieces mailed, I made $8,904. Each piece mailed cost 51¢ to mail, so I got back $56 for every dollar I spent.
Just to check and see if this was all ResponseDoubler driven, I mailed half of the left over names on my list, evenly by deciles and "staleness". Im sure you can predict the results: we received only two orders."
– Teresita Dabrieo, Success Partnership Network