Response Doubler Software
The Newest Breakthrough For Dramatically Increasing Direct Marketing Profits

Dramatically increase your profits with the newest, most powerful desktop software guaranteed to quickly and easily analyze your customers, prospects, and mailings.
Automatically appends discretionary income ratings and profiles the distribution of your customers in 11 different segments, finds which segments have high response rates and which segments are losing you money.
Use it to easily analyze profits by segment and then target those high profit in-house and rental lists.

With ResponseDoubler™ You Can …

Profile the distribution of your customers by discretionary income segments
Analyze your response rates and closing ratios by segment
Analyze your profits by segment
Find and eliminate mailing segments that produce losses
Target only high profit segments on rental lists with its special Decile Zip Diskette for matching high profit segments from your list broker
Direct Marketing Results ...

"I wish we had met you one month earlier, it would have saved us $41,329! Why? Because right before we met you, we did a mailing that cost us $79,000.

It was very profitable, but when we analyzed our results according to your approach, we discovered that two thirds of the list barely broke even (and some segments lost money), whereas the remaining one third of the list was exceptionally profitable.

Had we known this before we did the mailing, we could have saved the $41,329 and achieved the same results at less than half the cost. Based on these results, we’ll never mail again without using Response Doubler™."

Audri G. Lanford, Ph.D., CEO, NETrageous Inc.

"After using ResponseDoubler™, I analyzed my lists just as you said. It was so obvious where my customers, from both my high end and lower end products were coming from. It was obvious why mass mailing to my list wasn’t working!

We had a new product that I wanted to test. I used my ResponseDoubler™ results and only mailed the best segments, which were about 20% of my list. From 311 pieces mailed, I made $8,904. Each piece mailed cost 51¢ to mail, so I got back $56 for every dollar I spent.

Just to check and see if this was all ResponseDoubler™ driven, I mailed half of the left over names on my list, evenly by deciles and "staleness". I’m sure you can predict the results: we received only two orders."

– Teresita Dabrieo, Success Partnership Network

Proven Case Histories …

This ResponseDoubler™ user found that their customer distribution decreased dramatically as discretionary income dropped. They found that their best two segments were responsible for 42% of all their customers. Additionally, they found that the top three segments represented 54% of all their customers. (An average of 18% per segment for the best three segments.)

The impact became apparent when it was observed that it took a total of seven segments to get the remaining 46%. (An average of 6.5% per segment for the worst seven segments.)

By using the special Decile Zip Diskette that comes with ResponseDoubler™, they were able to request highly targeted lists from their broker that contained only the three highest responding segments.

Producing a Full Analysis is as Easy as Clicking on 3 Buttons …

Learning to use ResponseDoubler™ takes less than 15 minutes because it is fully automated. First, click on the Import Button and your files will automatically be imported. Next, click on the Append Button and ResponseDoubler™ looks up each zip code against the built in Discretionary Income Database and appends the rating. Finally, click the Report Button and the following report will appear:

By doing the above analysis you can increase your profitability by targeting your known Profit Producing Segments. With ResponseDoubler™, you can even export and append the discretionary income ratings to your in-house database. Order now and get the following 2 Free Bonuses as our gift to you (a total value of $294).

Bonus #1: When you are ready to rent or test lists, just copy the appropriate high response segment zip files from this Special Bonus Disk and send it to your list broker. When your broker matches only names that have the segments you want, your profits will rise dramatically while your losses decrease. (Bonus #1 value: $195.)

Bonus #2: Order now and also receive a Free one hour video and Workbook on "How to Use Demographic Information to Double your Response Rates or Closing Ratios and Send Profits Sky-Rocketing". This one hour session at a recent Las Vegas marketing seminar was acclaimed as the best, and most valuable session at the seminar. This $99 value is yours Free when you order now.

Try ResponseDoubler™ with our one year money-back guarantee. You will find ResponseDoubler™ to be an extremely powerful and valuable direct marketing tool. Call us now at 1-405-842-0163 and place your order (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted). Our order line is open between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Central Standard Time … and remember, your satisfaction is guaranteed.

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Product: Description: Price:

Response Doubler Software Dramatically increase your profits with the newest, most powerful desktop software guaranteed to quickly and easily analyze your customers, prospects, and mailings. $397.00