What would happen to the response rates of your advertisements and direct marketing packages, if you did the following?:
Be provoked to think "outside of the box" and approach your marketing challenge as if you were facing the fiercest competition under the worst competitive disadvantages?
Think objectively about what you were marketing?
Discover a super strategy, and then another, and then another … AND then find that the synergy between the three super ideas propelled you to a new, absolutely incredible idea that worked like magic?
Produce exceptionally powerful marketing materials that had an absolutely compelling, emotional impact that produced high response rates from the first word to the last?
And, have a Report with 50 to 200 ideas all rated by category and power of impact at your fingertips before you started your promotional writing and strategic plan?
In the last Stage of the Power Marketing Analysis Process, all your answers are sorted by Category … for example, all Offers will be grouped together and sorted in order of School Grading Levels. You then have the opportunity to look at every answer in a Category ranked from Best to Worse. In your last step of the Process, you can "add to" or "change" an answer, add solutions and then re-rate them for the absolute best in each Category on a scale of 1 to 10 … where 10 has the highest value.
PowerMarketing Analyzer software will take you through a Step-by-Step process of how to analyze prospect motivation, positioning, and strategizing. It is a comprehensive, intensive process that helps you to objectively analyze your product or service. When you’re finished, you will have all the ideas you need for your Headlines, Powerful Offers, Power Moving Benefits, Buyer Justification, Strategies, Competitive Advantages and handling Objections and Barriers to purchasing. When done with the above Process, simply click on the Print Report Button to generate an organized Final Report ready for you to use in creating your Marketing Strategies, defining Target Markets, and writing Advertising and Direct Marketing Copy. You will also have developed powerful competitive strategies and tactics to implement, that will help you take your marketing promotions to the next success level. This breakthrough marketing tool will help you make more profits, gain more customers, and produce marketing materials that will generate higher response rates. By using this software, we personally produce direct mail packages and ads in one third the time. And if you ever get writer’s block … We guarantee that you will have so many hot copy ideas to write about that you will never get writer’s block again!